Oh ! my God story No.PP
Yasuto Nishitani
Japanese food and Western food@
I am eating Japanese food everyday even after I came to New York.
I boil rice and cook Japanese food everyday.
I think I'm getting better at cooking recently.
Nishitani's Furofuki-Daikon is not bad at all.
By the way, Japanese food is big boom in America.
Because they know that Japan is the number one long life country in the world.
Therefore American people eat Japanese food thinking it is healthy.
Sushi and Edamame are very popular among American people.
They like Saki, too.
They call gSakih instead of sa-ke.
There are eight hundred Japanese restaurants only in New York City.
There are more American than Japanese in every Japanese restaurant.
But you may make a mistake if you don't know their eating habit.
One Japanese thought that
it would be successful if
he opened a Japanese restaurant
and opened a Takoyaki-ya
in Manhattan.
But his shop didn't do well.
He didn't know that
American people don't
have a habit of eating octopus.
Oh ! my God
Japanees food and Western foodaHΖmH@@boil
boomu[AlCͺ ι±Ζ@@eating habitHK΅