Oh ! my God story NO 13
Yasuto Nishitani

The man who whistles

There is an action in this world that nobody can understand.
There is a strange oriental man in my New York apartment.
He looks like a Japanese, but may be not.
I have not talked to him once, so I don't know about his nationality.

When he sees me, he glares at me first.
Then he turns his face away and whistles.
The other day, when I was in the elevator with him,

he gave me the same action.

I didn't mind it for the first two or three times.
But I started to think about it after twenty times.
I got angry at him.  " Next time, I will express my feeling."

As I was thinking,

I heard from my woman friend that he was a Chinese gay.
She said, "Nishitani-san,

his strange action and his whistle is his gay appeal to you."
"He was angry at Nishitani-san,

because you didn't pay attention to him."
Gay invites you in many ways, so it's difficult. 

I have heard a story like this.
One of my friend went out

and he was spinning his room key with his index finger.

Then a gay came to him right away.

Is a whistle a signal of gay?
Oh ! my God
Someone, help me please !

whistles=口笛を吹く  strange=変な  oriental man =東洋人
nationality.=国籍  glare=にらむ  express =述べる
get angry =腹を立てる  gay=ゲイ  appeal=アピール  
pay attention =相手にする   invites=誘う  spin=ぐるぐる回す  
index finger=人差し指    right away=すぐに  
