Oh ! my God story NO 17
Yasuto Nishitani

The tip story part 2

All doorman of the whole USA become a goodman in December.
They are usually not so friendly, but they change.
Because there is a custom in Christmas in USA.
The residents must give a tip for all doorman.

They put a list of names of everyone on the door in December
just before Christmas.
The list will be distributed to all apartment.

There are fifteen managers and doormen in my building.
I only see seven or eight members usually.
Where were they working?

The member's list starts from the longest work experience.
I give about thirty dollars for one person.
I give fifty dollars for the chief.
So it will be about four hundred seventy dollars.
It's about fifty seven thousand yen.

That's why they become friendly in December.
Oh ! my God. 
I want to be a doorman in Christmas.

December=12月  of the whole USA =アメリカ中の  
usually=いつもは  custom=習慣   residents =住人  
distribute=配る  experience=経験  yen=日本円
