Oh ! my God story NO. 26
Yasuto Nishitani

Big bananas and American strawberries that tell a lie

American fruits are the same as Japanese fruits.
Apples, grapes, oranges and pears have the same shape and taste
 as Japanese ones.
But I am surprised sometimes when I see the big ones.
For example, there is a kind of banana
 that is five times as big as the regular ones.
A Japanese woman tried to eat a big banana
 but gave up after eating about a half.
Because she was full.

This big banana has a wild shape and color.
They may be from Bahama.

By the way, my big surprise was an American strawberry.
They are very red and look delicious.
They are dreamlike strawberries.
Some of them are five times as big as Japanese strawberries.

At first I bit into them with a big expectation in my heart.

But I was surprised because they were not sweet.
They are hard, too.
I felt like eating a cucumber or tasteless pickled daikon (takuan).

Oh ! my God.

I recommend you to eat these strawberries with a touch of salt
  when you don't have picked daikon.

Big bananas and American strawberries that tell a lie

lie=うそ Apples, grapes, oranges and pears =りんご、ぶどう、オレンジ、洋ナシ 
same A as B=Bと同じA  shape and taste =姿と味  
be surprised=驚く  For example,=例えば  a kind of =種類
five times =5倍  regular=普通の  about a half=約半分
she was full=お腹一杯になった  may=〜かもしれない
By the way, =ところで  Some of them =それらの中には
as A as B =Bと同様にA  At first =最初  bit into 〜=〜にかぶりつく
a big expectation in my heart=期待に胸を躍らせて
not sweet=甘くない  hard=硬い  felt like =様な感じ  
cucumber =きゅうり  tasteless pickled daikon=タクアン  
recommend=勧める  a touch of salt =塩を掛けて  
