Oh ! My God Story NO. 42  

I will never go to the supermarket next door.  (part-W)

I said earlier that Al Pacino would come to this store.
He is not the only one.
I want to add some more names.

Goldie Hawn、MIchael Douglas, Catherine Zeta- Jones

and the world famous top group U2 come to this store.
They all live in the same block as my apartment is.

I am fighting with this supermarket.
I don't care who comes to this store.
I tried to express my anger

in those four sentences with my poor English.

I've been here for only one year.
But I couldn't make myself understood with my poor pronunciation.

The assistant manager came back with a toilet paper.
He thought, "this customer didn't get a toilet paper that he had bought."
No !  I didn't buy a toilet paper.
I'm complaining that I am charged for it.
I am saying that I want money back.

I showed those written four sentences

because I couldn't make myself understood.
But the spelling was wrong.
What can I do?

Using my limited vocabulary,

I kept speaking English which didn't make any sense.
If you have a passion to tell something from your heart,

you will be understood.
They seemed to understand what I was saying after four or five minutes.

They finally gave me two dollars back.
I thought I won and triumphantly went out of the supermarket.
I went to the store again on the next day.
But I decided no to go back any more.

To be continued ...

I will never go to the supermarket next door.  (part-4)
隣のスーパーマーケットには絶対行かない!(その4)  said=いった(say言う の過去)
earlier=はじめに  Al Pacino =アルパチーノ  He is not the only one=彼だけではない
want to〜 =〜することを望む、〜したい  add=加える  some=何人か  
Goldie Hawn、MIchael Douglas, Catherine Zeta- Jones =
the world famous top group U2 =世界的に有名なトップロックグループのU2
They all =彼らみんな  live=住む  the same block =同じブロック  
as〜=〜と同じ   fight=戦い、ケンカ  I don't care =そんなことはどうでもいい
tried=試みた(try試みる の過去)  (to)express=表現する(こと)
anger=(一時的な激しい)怒り  those=それらの  four sentences =4つの文章
with〜 =〜で  poor English=下手な英語  
I've been here for only one year=私は一年しかここにいない、私は渡米一年だけだ
couldn't make myself understood =うまく通じない  poor pronunciation=ヒドイ発音
assistant manager=副店長  come back =帰ってくる  with〜=〜とともに
thought=思った(think思う の過去)  customer =お客  
didn't get a toilet paper that he had bought=買ったはずのトイレットペーパーが袋に無い
buy=買う  be complaining =文句を言っている  be charged=請求された
I want money back=お金を返してほしい  show=見せる  
written four sentences =書いた4つの文章  because=なぜなら
spelling=スペル  wrong=間違った  What can I do?=なんてこった
Using =使って  my limited vocabulary=私の限られた単語
kept speaking =しゃべり続けた  didn't make any sense.=デタラメな
If =もし  passion=情熱  tell=伝える  
will be understood=理解されるだろう、(相手に)通じるだろう
seem to〜=〜らしい、〜のようだ  understand=理解する
after four or five minutes.=4〜5分後に  finally =ついに、とうとう
give 〜 back=〜(ものを)返す、取り戻す
gave=与えたる、くれた(give与える、くれる の過去)
won=勝った  triumphantly=勝ち誇って、意気揚々と
went= 行った(go行く の過去)  went out =出て行った
again =再び  on the next day=次の日に、翌日に
But=しかし  decide=決心する  to go back =行く事
no 〜any more=もう〜ない  To be continued ...=次回に続く
