Oh ! My God Story NO. 43  

I will never go to the supermarket next door.  (part-X)

A trouble happened in the store.
I was in line at a cash register after shopping.
The person at a cash register was a man.
He was the male employee who was watching the whole thing last night.

He said ”Yeah, yeah, yeah !”

I was teased by him.
He said it loud on purpose so that another employee could hear him.
They thought, "This was the Asian man who lied for two dollars."

I didn't feel like fighting any more.
Because I thought it would be a meaningless fight.
I haven't gone back to D'agostino since that day.

The store lost a good customer like me.
As a result, they will lose twenty thousand dollars in two years.

Things like this happens frequently.
I don't worry about it.
Oh ! My God.
Everybody, you may have to fight sometimes in order to live in America.

I will never go to the supermarket next door.  (part-5)
happen=起きる  in line at a cash register =レジに並ぶ
The person at a cash register =レジ係  the male employee =男性店員
was watching =見ていた  the whole thing =全部、一部始終
last night=昨夜   be teased =冷やかされる  loud =大きい
purpose=意図、目的   another employee =他の従業員  hea=聞く
thought=考えた(think考える の過去)  the Asian man =東洋人
lied=ウソをついた(lieウソをつく の過去)  feel like fighting =争う気持
ち  any more=もう   a meaningless fight=意味の無いケンカ  
would=〜だろう  go back to D'agostino =ディアゴスティーノに行く
lost=失った、逃した(iose失う の過去)  a good customer =いいお客  
like〜=〜のような  As a result, =結果的に   
twenty thousand dollars =2万ドル(約240万円)  trust=信用
things like this =こんな事   happen=起きる  frequently=しばしば
I don't worry =気にしていない  about it=それについて
Everybody=皆さん  may〜=〜かも  have to〜=〜しなければならない
order=制度、体制   sometimes =ときどき  live=生きる、生活する
