Oh ! My God Story NO. 58 

John Wayne was a little guy

Talking about American western movie, John Wayne comes first in my mind.
That big John Wayne who is about two meters high throws a bad guy away.
How wonderful his rifle technique is!
It's a real pleasure to watch!

But I heard a story from a tour conductor when I went to Los Angeles.
She said, "John Wayne was a little guy."
They used a trick in a movie to make him look like a big guy.

They chose short co-stars.
They even used small horses.
Everything on a screen had to be small.
You wouldn't know how big he was because there was nothing big to
compare with.

But in reality, he was quite a short guy.
He might have been one hundred and sixty centimeters high?

Oh ! My God.
It's interesting.

John Wayne =ジョン・ウェイン。西部劇 1939年(駅馬車の大ヒット)〜1970年代まで大活躍した名優。アメリカのシンボル、とまで言われている。
guy=男、やつ  John Wayne was a little guy= ジョン・ウェインは小男だった
Talking about 〜=〜について話そう、〜と言えば  western movie=アメリカの西部劇
come first in my mind=何と言っても(私の心に最初に来るのは/直訳です)
about two meters high =2mもあろうかという  throw =投げ、放る、投げ飛ばす
a bad guy =大男   away=遠く、遠くまで  How wonderful =なんて凄いんだ!  
rifle technique=ライフルのテクニック  It's a real pleasure to watch!=痛快だ!
heard=聞いた(hear聞く の過去)  a tour conductor =ツアーコンダクター 
when〜=〜の時  went=行った(go行く の過去)  Los Angeles=ロサンゼルス
said=言った(say言う の過去)  used=使った(use使う の過去)  trick=トリック、だまし
make =作る  look like 〜=〜のように見える
chose =選んだ(choose選ぶ の過去)  short =背の低い  co-=相棒、その仲間
co-stars=共演のスターたち  even=一様に、同じく  small horse=小さな馬
Everything on a screen =映画に映るものはすべて
had to be small=小さいものにした  You wouldn't know how big =どれ位大きいか分らない
because =なぜなら  nothing=何も〜ない  compare=比較する、比べる  
there was nothing big to compare with=比べるものが何もなかった
But in reality, =でに本当は  quite=まったく、かなり   a short guy=小男
might=〜かもしれなかった(may〜かもしれない の過去)  
hundred=100、百  one hundred and sixty centimeters high=160cm
It's interesting=そんなことを考えてみるのも面白い
